Ranjan's Blog

Ranjan's Blog

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting Started

My first day of a new journey in my life or should I say my first night, this is exciting as well as intriguing for me. I have waited for quite sometime now to gather my thoughts and most importantly my courage to venture out into the unknown world(for me) of expressing my views through writing or as the site suggests you can say blogging. I know it will be tough, sometimes patchy if not rocky but I will keep my spirits alive and try to make friends with as many blogoholics as I can.

Being a Software Developer by profession first, my job is to develop fancy yet challenging softwares which attract the common man. Oh!!!! and by the way if you are thinking that I am speaking about the Indian aam aadmi then you have only just (as in cricket run outs they say "He is not even in the picture") missed the target. Being an MNC company it is strictly for USA and not to mention some nook and corners of the world

All right so taking a detour away from my profession, sometimes in life you need to pause for a while think as to where you are and ask yourself these questions, Am I doing justice to my life? Is this what I was meant to do? Am I satisfied with my life? I am always inundated with several such small as they seem but life changing questions that I imagine myself like a frail boat stuck in a raging typhoon. Many times we see certain unethical and unjust developments in our society but we turn our five senses away from them (which is why we do not develop or intend to develop a sixth sense) which begs me to asks these questions to myself. I know or would like to believe that there are few if not more such individuals who also would echo the same thoughts as of mine.

I would be writing more often(if not on a day to day basis)on the issues or developments which are plaguing our society and dwell a few minutes of our life trying to find some meaningful answers on such rhetorical issues. If we start thinking from today we surely will do something the next minute.

Recently I was fascinated by a Global warming presentation given by Noble Peace prize winner Al Gore where he says "There is a saying in Africa...If you have to go quickly somewhere near go alone.If you want to go far go together, but we have to go far quickly."

This blog is like an SOS to all my friends and the youth of our country. WAKE UP!!! IT'S TIME TO GO FAR QUICKLY.

As Mahatma Gandhi famously said "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Thanks to all of you for taking out your valuable time and reading my views.

Keep your comments and suggestions (good, bad, hate, dislike, boring whatever it may be)pouring in...Ah!!!! I really need it badly.

For the time being Good Night.

Oh!!! forgot to mention you can catch me on twitter as well.